الخميس، 6 مارس 2014


Probux Paid To Click is one that is on the network by approximately 2 years and is developing rapidly, with a strategy to gain well-studied figures you will not get very interesting, although content with small amounts fixed is not required no effort. This site is very similar to that of Neobux many respects and, as Neobux, a PTC is paying and secure. Also in this PTC can be rented Referral remarkable and you can choose different possibilities of earnings among the many proposals offered.
The first step you need to do is create a free account on paypal or Payza.

Join Free to Probux: few minutes a day, sure gain
Once you enroll with Probux (completely free, you will not have to pay anything), choose a time of day when you know you are on average in front of your PC and start working daily to click the link in the "View Advertisements". This work you carry it out in a maximum of 5 minutes each day. The ads are several available, and it reveals many extras during the day. With free accounts are available 4 ads from 0.01 $ plus lots of 0.001 with a duration of 5 seconds. With a free account you can then easily earn up to 7 cents a day.
Payments are instant and can be requested once you reach the threshold of $ 5. The payment processors are supported: PayPal, Payza and Libedrty Reserve.

Advertise your referral link and earn more

At this point you begin to advertise your referral link which you will find by clicking on your name at the top right of the main page of probux and choosing from the menu on the left the "Banners", your referral link is at the top of the first. Try to enroll users as possible under you, and this will allow you to gain more and a percentage of them click. There are several free methods to get the referrals:
  • use your referral link as your signature in your e-mail or forums that allow it
  • used all the free methods that you can think of to advertise your link on the web

Rent your Referrals, with Probux are all active

Regarding the policy of rent referrals ProBux adopted the same system of NeoBux, with the only difference that the rented refs are much more active of the historic NeoBux.
  • Possibility to rent refs packages from 3 to 100
  • Extension of the refs up to 240 days with 30% discount
  • Automatic recycling of refs inactive after 14 days (standard and golden) and 7 days (completed)
Who knows NeoBux will certainly have found some similarities with the famous PTC. On ProBux, however, the rental rented referrals are all active: this allows you to plan a strategy for medium to long term without having to continually recycle Referred inactive.

ProGrid, contests that accelerate your earnings

With ProGrid have full availability additional 20 clicks, with which you can win up to a maximum of $ 2. Obviously with the upgrade shots become more (40 and 60 for the golden with the ultimate). Winning is not that difficult and the winnings with the grid allow you to accelerate the earning strategy combine them with the strategy Referred to rent.

Earn 5 € per day with ProBux doing absolutely nothing

The PTC ProBux allows you to earn 5 € per day without any effort and without doing anything, just by choosing to make a small initial investment. Here's how:
  • Register to the site by clicking http://www.probux.com/
  • Buy the package Refers $ 4 (i Refers are people who are recorded using you as a reference; become your affiliates and you ottienii 20% of their earnings). This package lasts for a week. {Calculate that if 20 representatives earn only $ 0.30 each daily total would be $ 6 a day and your 20% would be equal to $ 1.2 per day multiplied by pche a week is equivalent to say $ 8.4 in a week}
  • Following the procedure arrive early at the threshold of $ 20, the amount reinvested and buy the package from 100 Referred
  • This means that: if every reference only earns $ 0.30 a day the overall gain of 100 people would be $ 30, your 20% is equivalent to $ 6 a day, or 5 € daily that there are 150 € a month without doing anything.
Also you could buy the premium package. This will allow you to earn more money for each click, because the contacts that you purchase now they will also be premium: if the members are entitled to standard referents standard premium users, however, are entitled to premium referents.

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