الخميس، 6 مارس 2014


Ref4Bux, paying ptc with high earnings. A certainty in the sector


Ref4Bux PTC is a great success with which you can get to earn the figures remarkable and interesting. Through a strategy focused and well studied, in no time you reach one of the highest amounts of this sector.

Payments immediate and safe, low minimum payout of benefits:

  • high gains (compared to other ptc);
  • immediate payments;
  • very low minimum payout ($ 0.25) and without limitations;
  • administrator always active and available;
  • support forums in Italian with moderators of support.

How does it work

First, you must subscribe to Ref4Bux. To subscribe a PayPal account, Payza or LibertyReserve and a valid e-mail address (possibly coinciding with the bill). then:
  • Click on the menu on the exact item "View Ads";
  • unlock Ads (commercials) in this way: click on "Unlock Ads" (there is a padlock), wait the timer and then click on the icon shown on the top left of the page to confirm. At this point, close the page, so you'll have unlocked all Ads.
As in any PTC, the strategy of gain can be with or without initial investment. In the first case a small budget can speed up the startup in the second case the basic requirement is a constant, or does not give up everything after 3/4 days because you do not see the gains flying to the stars. As in all serious online money making system is necessary to have patience and method, only in this way we could achieve very interesting results.
The payment processors supported are: Paypal, Payza, Liberty Reserve, Perfect Money, Solid Trust Pay. The payments are made 3/4 times a week.
To you so the choice if you cash every time reached the payout or invest part of their income and begin to rent.

How to Earn

After unlocking all Ads will be able to click on them in 2 ways:
Classic Mode - allows you to click the ads one at a time by filling out the captcha code, is the best because it accredits Ref4Point. These points, once accumulated, can be converted into dollars that are immediately credited in our personal budget.
The current conversion rate is $ 1 per 10,000 Ref4Point, but this value is likely to increase.
Slideshow mode - Clicking on "Start Slideshow" you can see all the ads in slide mode, in this mode so we can get credited the numerous ads (from 30 to 70 per day) in a few minutes. There is no need, in fact, enter the captcha code every time but just wait a few seconds after clicking on an ads and then click "Next" and open the window next to the sponsor.

An extra gain with the Ref4grid and Upgrade

  • The Ref4grid is the grid that allows you to win with a little luck of prizes ranging from $ 0.1 to $ 4. This is the procedure: click on "Earn More", then "Win with Ref4Grid."
  • Multiply your earnings by subscribing to suggested sites and some games or completing offers (Offers).
  • Increase points even with the display of videos you can do by clicking on the "Video" section and even if you click on "View Ads" under the smiley faces that appear, there are two sections: the first is to display the video "Paid-To -View-Videos (located on the right), and the second, located on the left, "Paid-To-Side-Ads" is for the exchange of Ads that will earn you $ 0.02.
  • If you want to earn even more money you could always do an upgrade choosing between the minimum or the "Pioneer" at a cost of 3.99 (2.45 euro) for 180 days and that lets you double click by personal gain and those made by your referrals. The types of upgrades later then expected costs ranging from $ 10 for 6 months until the Ultimate ($ 125 for 6 months), ensuring a high ROI but only on condition that both active and adopt a strategy of rent.

Referred rent

One feature that differentiates Ref4Bux from almost all other PTC is the possibility it offers to its members to rent referrals. He who works with PTC understands the problem of rental refs and recycling strategies that you have to guess! If your balance is in surplus we mark a great feature that allows you to extend the duration of each rental referral of 240 days with a discount of 40%. It 's also a function to get direct referrals (so no maturity).

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